
When Weight Loss Stalls

Hello, my name is Sandy, and I’m part of the Care Team here at Newtopia. Welcome to today’s video guide, ‘When Weight Loss Stalls’.

In today’s video, we are going to discuss why progress in weight loss can stall, and how to start losing again.

Your Inspirator will be reviewing the information from this video during your next call, so if you have any questions from today’s video guide, be sure to write them down so you can discuss them together.
Ready? Let’s begin!

(See Slide #2: Why Weight Loss Stalls)

Many people who make healthy lifestyle changes find that the pounds come off quickly at first, only to plateau after months of losing weight. There can be several factors that effect this, but with a few tweaks to your diet and exercise routine, you can get back on track in no time at all. Let’s start with the reasons why weight loss stalls.

When we lose weight, the amount of calories we need to get us through the day decreases. We’re lighter, we are carrying less weight and our body has become more efficient with activity. This means that it might be a good time to cut back on your food intake, or choose different food. Tracking your food can help you get great insight as to what changes might need to be made.

For exercise, if you have been doing the same routine for a while, and you’ve begun to plateau, now is a good time to switch it up.

(See Slide #3: Daily Caloric Recommendation)

Let’s go through some useful tips to get you through your plateau, or to prepare for potential plateaus.
Tip #1: Become more aware of your daily calorie intake
Portion control is a big factor. Make sure you’re not eating too little and slowing down your metabolism, or eating too much. Choose small plates to help control your portions.
Protein is important to include at almost every meal, but make sure it is lean protein, and if you are eating nuts for protein, limit your portion to the palm of your hand.
To flavor your food, remove heavy and creamy sauces and try vinaigrettes, lemon juice, spices, mustard and hot sauce.
Don’t drink your calories! Limit sugary drinks like sweet teas and pops, and don’t add sugar to coffee or tea. Choosing whole fruit instead of fruit juices will give you the added benefit of fiber, which will help regulate your sugar levels.

It is important to be self-aware and know your triggers. It’s easy to overeat when you are feeling emotional, stressed, bored, or even when you’re watching TV. Most of the time we overeat for reasons other than hunger.

(See Slide #5: You Are What You Eat)

Now, Tip #2 – You are what you eat!
What you eat is more important than how much you eat. Be sure to get enough protein and healthy fat for each meal. A diet high in carbohydrates can make weight loss challenging because of the effect carbs have on blood sugar.
Non-starchy vegetables should be your primary source of carbs and is a great way to help you feel full during meal time because it is high in fiber.
Try to eat whole foods instead of processed ones, and choose snacks that are light but filling, like nuts, veggies and hummus, apples and cheese.

(See Slide #6: Are You Eating Enough?)

Tip #3! Ask yourself, are you eating enough? Skipping meals or eating less than recommended can result in a weight loss plateau.
When we skip meals, we tend to overeat later in the day. When we wait until we are hungry, we also tend to make unhealthy choices. Most of us can relate to that feeling of coming home from work, starving, and eating everything in sight.
Not eating enough slows down our metabolism. Our body goes into starvation or preservation mode. It conserves everything we eat, because it doesn’t know when we will eat again. If you were out in the wild left with no food, this would be a good thing. It would be our body’s way of protecting us from starving to death. However, when we are trying to lose weight, it backfires and makes losing weight difficult.

(See Slide #7: Exercise, Change It Up!)

TIP #4 – Exercise and change it up!
A great feature of our body is that we become more efficient the more we exercise. Our heart, lungs and muscles adapt so that they can do more while using less energy.
However, when trying to lose weight we don’t want to conserve energy; we want to burn energy. To do this, we have to “shock” our system and keep it guessing.
Try changing up either the frequency, intensity, time, or type of exercise. You can even do some household chores to add an extra burn!
If you haven’t done it already, add some strength training! This will add more muscle to your body, which means you’ll be burning more calories overall.

(See Slide #8: Have Regular Checkups With Your Doctor)

Last, but not least – Tip #5. Be sure to have a regular check-up with your doctor.
Many conditions exist that may make it difficult to lose weight. Most common conditions affects your thyroid gland.

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