
Uplifting Hymns With Love in the Title » Loversify

In the world of faith, love shines brightest. It’s like a warm hug that makes everything better, even when things seem tough. Think about a time when someone did something really nice for you, like when a friend cheered you up when you were sad, or when a family member gave you a big hug when you needed it most. That’s love in action!

Hymns are like special songs that talk a lot about love. They’re like love letters to the heart, written by people who really believe in love and faith. These songs remind us of the love we have for each other and the love that comes from above, from something bigger than ourselves.

Imagine sitting in a cozy church, surrounded by friends and family, singing together with joy. That’s what hymns are all about! They help us connect with our feelings and with each other. And when we sing about love, it’s like we’re spreading love everywhere we go.

So, let’s explore 20 hymns all about love, each one singing a beautiful melody of love that can make us feel hopeful and happy, just like a big hug from someone we care about.

Hymns With Love in the Title

1. “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” by Charles Wesley:

Wesley’s masterpiece invokes the divine presence of love, a love that surpasses all earthly affections. Its soaring melody and heartfelt lyrics invite believers to bask in the overwhelming grace and goodness of God’s love, which surpasses all understanding.

2. “Love Lifted Me” by James Rowe:

Rowe’s hymn is a jubilant celebration of the transformative power of love. It speaks of redemption and salvation, portraying love as the force that lifts us from the depths of despair into the light of divine grace.

3. “The Love of God” by Frederick M. Lehman:

Lehman’s timeless hymn beautifully captures the unfathomable depth of God’s love. Its verses, inspired by the Jewish poem “Haddamut,” portray love as an eternal, unchanging force that knows no bounds.

4. “O Love That Will Not Let Me Go” by George Matheson:

Matheson’s poignant hymn reflects on the steadfastness of God’s love, even in the midst of life’s trials and tribulations. It speaks to the unwavering nature of divine love, which holds us close through every storm.

5. “Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine” by Fanny J. Crosby:

Crosby’s beloved hymn radiates with the assurance of God’s love and salvation. It speaks of the unshakeable confidence that comes from knowing Jesus as a personal saviour and experiencing the depths of his love.

6. “O Love How Deep, How Broad, How High” by Thomas à Kempis:

Kempis’ hymn explores the incomprehensible dimensions of God’s love, stretching from the depths of the human soul to the heights of heaven. Its profound verses inspire awe and wonder at the boundless nature of divine love.

7. “Love Came Down at Christmas” by Christina Georgina Rossetti:

Rossetti’s poetic hymn beautifully captures the essence of Christmas as a celebration of God’s love incarnate. It speaks of the profound mystery of the Incarnation, where love took on human form to dwell among us.

8. “The Love of Christ” by Hugh Martin:

Martin’s hymn exalts the boundless love of Christ, who laid down his life for humanity. Its lyrics proclaim the sacrificial love that knows no bounds, drawing believers into a deeper relationship with their Savior.

9. “Love, Love, Love” by Tom Colvin:

Colvin’s jubilant hymn celebrates the transformative power of love in the life of believers. Its joyful refrain echoes the commandment to love one another as Christ has loved us, inviting all to embrace the power of love to change the world.

10. “More Love to Thee, O Christ” by Elizabeth Prentiss:

Prentiss’ hymn is a heartfelt prayer for deeper intimacy with Christ, expressing a longing for a closer relationship fueled by love. Its tender verses resonate with believers seeking to surrender more fully to the love of their Savior.

11. “Where Love Is Found” by Dan Schutte:

Schutte’s contemporary hymn celebrates the transformative power of love to heal and reconcile. Its verses speak of love as the cornerstone of Christian community, inviting believers to embody Christ’s love in their relationships with one another.

12. “Breathe on Me, Breath of God” by Edwin Hatch:

Hatch’s hymn is a prayer for the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, who breathes new life into believers with the breath of divine love. Its gentle melody and stirring lyrics invite believers to open their hearts to the transforming power of God’s love.

13. “I Am Thine, O Lord” by Fanny J. Crosby:

Crosby’s hymn is a heartfelt declaration of surrender to the love and lordship of Christ. Its tender verses express a longing for deeper intimacy with the Savior, inviting believers to consecrate themselves wholly to him.

14. “Love Consecrates the Humblest Act” by Jane Parker Huber:

Huber’s hymn celebrates the sacredness of love expressed through humble acts of service and kindness. Its verses inspire believers to see every opportunity to love others as an act of devotion to God.

15. “My Jesus, I Love Thee” by William R. Featherstone:

Featherstone’s hymn is a heartfelt expression of devotion to Jesus, the object of our deepest affection and love. Its tender verses overflow with adoration for the Savior, inviting believers to express their love for Christ in word and deed.

16. “In Christ There Is No East or West” by John Oxenham:

Oxenham’s hymn celebrates the unity of believers in Christ, transcending earthly divisions of race, culture, and nationality. Its verses proclaim the transformative power of love to reconcile and unite all who are bound together in Christ.

17. “Love One Another” by Luacine Clark Fox:

Fox’s hymn echoes Christ’s commandment to love one another as he has loved us. Its simple yet profound message reminds believers of the centrality of love in the Christian life, urging them to embody Christ’s love in their relationships with others.

18. “Love Unknown” by Samuel Crossman:

Crossman’s hymn reflects on the mystery of God’s love revealed in Christ, who gave his life for the redemption of humanity. Its solemn verses invite believers to contemplate the depth of God’s love, which surpasses all understanding.

19. “O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High” by Thomas à Kempis:

Kempis’ hymn explores the incomprehensible dimensions of God’s love, stretching from the depths of the human soul to the heights of heaven. Its profound verses inspire awe and wonder at the boundless nature of divine love.

20. “Love Lifted Me” by Howard E. Smith:

Smith’s hymn rejoices in the transformative power of God’s love to lift us from the depths of sin and despair. Its joyful refrain echoes the psalmist’s proclamation that God’s love reaches down to lift us up and set our feet on solid ground.

Embracing Love’s Melodies

As we reach the end of our journey through these hymns suffused with the essence of love, let us cherish the melodies that have stirred our hearts. In a world often fractured by discord, these hymns stand as symbols of unity, echoing the universal language of love that bridges divides and fosters connection.

As we carry these melodies with us, may they serve as reminders of the power of love to heal, inspire, and uplift. Let us embrace the harmonious strains of these hymns not only in song but also in our daily lives, as we strive to spread love and compassion to all we encounter.

We discover the purest manifestation of our common humanity in the ageless refrains of love, which intertwine the strands of our shared history with melodies that last forever.

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