
Sacred Hymns About Temptation and Overcoming Them » Loversify

We all face temptation; it’s an inescapable part of human life.

Whether it’s the lure of materialism, the pull of unhealthy habits, or the attraction of morally questionable paths, we’re in a constant battle of wills.

But what if you had a playlist that could serve as your spiritual armour? Hymns have been the backbone of Christian worship for centuries, speaking to us in ways that plain text or speech often can’t.

This collection of 20 hymns focuses on the theme of temptation and overcoming it. Whether you’re in the trenches fighting your demons or standing tall having conquered them, these hymns will resonate with you.

Each one offers its own form of spiritual encouragement, lyrical wisdom, and melodic strength.

Hymns About Temptation and Overcoming Them

1. Yield Not to Temptation by Horatio R. Palmer

Sometimes the title of a hymn speaks directly to your soul, doesn’t it? “Yield Not to Temptation” is one of those hymns that cuts straight to the core. Written by Horatio R. Palmer, the hymn lays down an unambiguous message—resistance to temptation is not only possible but also attainable. You’re not listening to this hymn; you’re absorbing its armour into your spiritual being. The hymn reassures us that the act of yielding is a choice, a crucial decision point. It challenges you to fortify your inner strength and offers up this piece as your anthem.

2. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God by Martin Luther

Here’s one for the history books, but don’t be fooled; its age doesn’t make it any less relevant. Written by Martin Luther, “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” is an unwavering testament to divine protection. The hymn captures the essence of refuge in times of spiritual warfare, especially when you’re on the battlefield of temptation. It echoes through the ages, reminding you that even when you’re flanked by temptation on all sides, you have a fortress, a place of safety. Your protector? None other than God Himself.

3. Lead Us Not Into Temptation by Unknown

If you’ve ever felt like you’re walking through a minefield of temptations, this hymn provides you with the map. Its author might be unknown, but its impact is universally felt. This hymn is simplicity and humility woven into a melody. It’s a prayer set to music, asking for wisdom and discernment to avoid the pitfalls of temptation before you even get close. It teaches us that asking for guidance can sometimes be the best form of defense.

4. Be Thou My Vision by Ancient Irish, Trans. By Mary E. Byrne

What’s more distracting than a tempting proposition? “Be Thou My Vision” offers a kind of spiritual laser-focus. This hymn was born from ancient Irish roots but has since become a global treasure. It encourages you to set your sights above worldly distractions and temptations. It’s like a manual for aligning your internal compass, steering you away from temptation and towards divine guidance.

5. What a Friend We Have in Jesus by Joseph M. Scriven

Nobody said you have to fight temptation alone. “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” is a call to partnership, a reminder that Jesus stands with you in your time of need. Penned by Joseph M. Scriven, it’s a hymn that pushes you to voice your concerns, fears, and temptations in prayer, and by doing so, arms you with the strength to overcome them.

6. Onward, Christian Soldiers by Sabine Baring-Gould

Temptation can be an isolating experience, making you feel like you’re going at it alone. But “Onward, Christian Soldiers” shatters that illusion, calling believers to unity. This hymn redefines the struggle against temptation as a collective battle, one where you’re flanked by an army of faith.

7. Rescue the Perishing by Fanny J. Crosby

When the darkness of temptation feels suffocating, “Rescue the Perishing” comes through like a ray of hope. Authored by Fanny J. Crosby, a legend in hymn-writing, this hymn serves as a compelling call to action. It reminds you that you’re not just fighting for your own soul, but you have a role in reaching out to others who are also struggling. By taking your focus off your own temptations and placing it on aiding others, you often find the strength to overcome your own challenges.

8. I Need Thee Every Hour by Annie S. Hawks

When do you need divine help? The answer is in the hymn title: every hour. This hymn by Annie S. Hawks is a testament to constant vigilance and awareness, especially when it comes to temptation. Every stanza rings like a clock, ticking away the hours but also marking each moment as an opportunity for grace and strength to intervene in our lives.

10. Amazing Grace by John Newton

“Amazing Grace” is more than just a classic; it’s a hymn that transcends time, genre, and even subject matter. Written by John Newton, the hymn moves beyond general themes of redemption to address the specific nature of overcoming temptation. By focusing on grace, it offers a different angle on the struggle. Here, the emphasis is not so much on resisting temptation as it is on embracing the grace that makes such resistance possible.

11. Nearer, My God, to Thee by Sarah F. Adams

Temptation often arises when we feel far from the divine, disconnected from our spiritual anchor. “Nearer, My God, to Thee” by Sarah F. Adams bridges that gap, drawing us closer to God and thereby distancing us from temptation. The hymn presents closeness to God as both the means and the end of overcoming temptation, making it an essential hymn for anyone in the thick of spiritual struggle.

How Firm a Foundation by Robert Keene

If temptation is a storm, then “How Firm a Foundation” is the rock you want to be standing on. Robert Keene’s hymn serves as a reminder of the strong foundation of faith, principles, and inner strength that can keep us steady. When tempted, it’s easy to forget the core truths that sustain us. This hymn reminds us to stand firm, rooted in the solid ground of our convictions.

It Is Well With My Soul by Horatio Spafford

In the emotional tumult that temptation often brings, finding inner peace can be a game-changer. “It is Well with My Soul” by Horatio Spafford offers that sense of calm. It reassures us that no matter the temptations we face, we can find a peace that “surpasses all understanding,” allowing us to resist temptations more effectively.

Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah by William Williams

One of the biggest challenges in overcoming temptation is simply knowing what to do. “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah” by William Williams serves as a plea for direction, asking God to be our guide through the confusing labyrinth of life’s temptations.

The Old Rugged Cross by George Bennard

“The Old Rugged Cross” serves as a vivid reminder of the ultimate sacrifice made to free us from sin, including the temptations that lead to it. George Bennard’s hymn is a tale of transformation, taking what was initially an emblem of shame and making it a symbol of victory. In your battle against temptation, the hymn becomes a compelling narrative that elevates your struggles into a more significant, divine context.

Great Is Thy Faithfulness by Thomas O. Chisholm

Sometimes you need to be reminded that the power that helps you overcome temptation today will be there for you tomorrow, and the day after. “Great is Thy Faithfulness” by Thomas O. Chisholm stands as a declaration of God’s enduring reliability. In the trenches of fighting off temptation, this hymn assures you that divine help is not a fleeting thing but a constant presence.

Trust and Obey by John H. Sammis

This hymn rings true to the wisdom of simplicity. Authored by John H. Sammis, “Trust and Obey” outlines a straightforward yet effective approach to overcoming temptation. Trust in divine guidance and obey the precepts laid out before you. These actions form the backbone of a resistance strategy that’s both attainable and deeply effective.

In the Garden by Charles Austin Miles

A personal relationship with the divine often becomes the sanctuary where many find relief from temptation. “In the Garden” by Charles Austin Miles allows you to visualize this unique, private communion. By fostering this closeness, the hymn provides an emotional cushion against the harsh blows that temptation often deals with, softening the impact and making resistance more sustainable.

Leaning on the Everlasting Arms by Elisha A. Hoffman

The idea of leaning implies a form of surrender, a letting go of self-reliance. Elisha A. Hoffman’s “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” promotes this attitude as a means to counter temptation. Instead of trusting your frail human faculties to resist, why not lean on something—or Someone—more potent? This hymn provides the emotional framework for such a reliance, making the act of leaning a spiritually uplifting experience.

Blessed Assurance by Fanny J. Crosby

Yes, it’s worth mentioning again. Fanny J. Crosby’s “Blessed Assurance” offers a strong foundation when temptation starts to shake your world. Assurance is a robust barrier against doubt, and doubt often accompanies temptation. By planting your feet firmly in the assurance of your faith, you create a stronghold that temptation finds difficult to breach.

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing by Robert Robinson

Another worthy repeat, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” by Robert Robinson, serves as a source of inexhaustible inspiration and strength against temptation. It calls your soul towards what is holy, pure, and blessed, leaving no room for anything that falls short. Each verse acts like a spiritual magnet, pulling you away from temptation and towards a more divine state of being.

These hymns complete our list of 20, each contributing a unique spiritual lesson to aid you in your journey to overcome temptation. As you go through this curated list, consider each hymn not just as a song but as a life lesson set to music.

Steeled in Song: A Spiritual Arsenal Against Temptation

In life’s challenging moments, where temptation is an ever-present obstacle, these hymns offer a source of strength and guidance. Each one has its own message, speaking to different aspects of the struggle against temptation. Some provide reassurance, others promote obedience, and yet others help to refocus your attention on what’s truly important.

As you encounter temptations, these hymns can serve as a practical resource to help you navigate through. They’re not just songs but lessons set to music that provide a rich, spiritual context for your daily challenges. Keep these hymns close, as they can be your guiding light in times when you face temptation. May they bring you comfort, wisdom, and the courage to make the right choices.

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