
Next Steps To Follow After Update Account Details » Voice of Nigeria

NYIF Applicants: After updating your account, follow the steps below

Recently, the management of the Nigerian Youth Investment Fund (NYIF) has notified all qualified applicants to update account.

However, many applicants have completed the account upgrade process, and some do not yet need to upgrade due to a bad network. So today I will post another entry that all the winning bidders should follow to get on the shortlist.

However, management has begun to pay funds to all successful individuals, which is the main goal of the program. In addition to the next steps, there are a few steps that must be taken by all qualified candidates in order for their account to match the final program list.

Here are the steps to track your account update:

1. Approval of loans

After renewing the account as directed by NYIF management, the applicant must complete a form indicating the loan amount, company name, details of the nearest family and business plan. Applicants must be patient in accepting the above information.

2. Two (2) – three (3) online entrepreneurship training

After the loan has been approved by the management, the applicant’s e-mail A link to the online training course “Entrepreneurship” is sent to the postal address. This online entrepreneurship training will prepare candidates to be good entrepreneurs by giving them lectures from business experts.

3. After NYIF management training for entrepreneurship, the next step is to disburse funds to qualified applicants. Prior to the exit process, management will send its e-mail.

The postal address will inform qualified applicants of the next step. In this regard, applicants are expected to follow the instructions of NYIF management during the online training courses, which begin immediately after the account renewal.

Applicants must therefore subscribe to their telephones and prepare for online training, as the applicant’s participation may result in the deduction of the participant’s credit.

The applicant must attend the entire training period to avoid disqualification. During the training, the applicant will be asked to give his / her opinion on the program; Therefore, during online training, the applicant must be attentive and avoid any distractions.

Finally, after renewing the account, applicants must follow the steps above to get to the final stage of disbursement.

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