
Do These 12 Things First Before You Get Married » Loversify

Are you about to walk down the aisle of the magical realm of matrimony with that special someone who makes your heart do somersaults?

If so, you’re undoubtedly experiencing the euphoria of love, leaving you floating on cloud nine.

However, as you embark on this journey, it’s essential to recognize that getting married requires more than just starry-eyed infatuation.

Love alone cannot guarantee a lasting and fulfilling marriage. You’ve got to build a strong foundation that can withstand the test of time.

Therefore, taking proactive steps before tying the knot becomes crucial.

That’s precisely why you need to check out and do these 12 things first before you finally seal the deal to ensure your journey of love is smooth sailing and that “happily ever after” is no fairy tale but your reality.

So, buckle up, and let’s get real about the stuff that matters!

1. Establish a Foundation of Trust and Understanding

Trust isn’t something you can snap your fingers and magically have. You’ve got to water it with honesty, sprinkle it with loyalty, and let it bask in the warm sunlight of vulnerability.

And let me tell you, that vulnerability part can be downright scary – like baring your soul in the middle of a crowded stadium! But It’s worth the effort.

When you both open up and show your true selves, that’s when the real magic happens.

Trust doesn’t just appear overnight like a mystical unicorn. It’s earned through actions, day in and day out!

Understanding on its own is like having your secret decoder ring for decoding thoughts and emotions.

And guess what? You don’t need to be mind-readers. Just show genuine interest, be a good listener, and ask questions.

That’s the secret recipe for understanding your partner better than anyone else.

2. Ensure You Both Share Similar Values, Beliefs, and Life Goals

As humans, we’re all unique individuals with quirks and idiosyncrasies.

So, can you expect to agree on everything? Of course not!

There will be differences, and that’s okay! It’s like choosing toppings for a pizza – you may have different preferences, but at the end of the day, you still enjoy the same delicious pizza together.

Embrace those differences; they add flavor and excitement to your relationship!

It’s very crucial to talk openly and honestly about your core values and what truly matters to you. Share your hopes, fears, and aspirations – don’t hold back.

Stay curious about each other’s thoughts and feelings, and be willing to grow and learn together.

As long as you nurture that connection, you’ll find that sweet spot where your values intertwine like the threads of a beautiful tapestry.

3. Learn Healthy Ways to Handle Conflicts and Disagreements

No relationship is all rainbows and butterflies. There will be times when you two just don’t see eye to eye.

That said, healthy conflict resolution isn’t about proving who’s right and who’s wrong. 

Sometimes, it feels more like a roller coaster ride with twists and turns, ups and downs. But that’s what makes it an adventure worth taking together.

And you know what they say – “Teamwork makes the dream work!” When you face conflicts as a team, you’ll find solutions you never even knew existed.

Even when you do not agree on everything, that’s okay! Embracing those differences and finding common ground where you can both meet halfway is vital.

Mastering healthy conflict resolution is a journey of patience, empathy, and understanding.

So, don your conflict resolution capes and become superheroes of compromise and compassion.

4. Discuss and Plan How to Handle Finances

Discussing and planning how to handle your hard-earned cash might not be the most thrilling date night topic, but trust me, it’s essential.

Think of it like planning a road trip together – you need a solid map to navigate the twists and turns of your financial journey.

Money can be a tricky beast.

We all have different spending habits and attitudes toward finances, and clashes are bound to happen. But discussing money early on helps you understand each other’s financial personalities.

So, is it possible to achieve complete financial harmony with your partner? Well, it’s a journey of exploration and compromise.

You might have different spending priorities! It’s about finding that middle ground where both of your financial needs are met.

The key is to have those money talks early and often. Be transparent about your financial situations and be willing to listen to each other’s concerns.

5. Understand Each Other’s Career Aspirations

Understanding each other’s career aspirations is like reading each other’s maps and finding ways to navigate this adventure together!

Career aspirations can be as varied as flavors at an ice cream parlor. You might be all about that fast-paced corporate world, while your partner dreams of starting a farm with adorable goats and veggies galore.

I must say, both career dreams are okay! In both ways, curiosity is the secret sauce to understanding each other’s career aspirations.

Ask questions, show genuine interest, and be that cheerleader rooting for their success.

Keep in mind that understanding each other’s career aspirations isn’t like reading a single-page bedtime story. It’s more like an epic novel with twists and turns, highs and lows.

Still, it’s worth the read!

Taking the time to understand each other’s career dreams is like laying a strong foundation for your partnership. You’ll learn what motivates and drives your partner, and that’s like having a secret power-up in your relationship arsenal.

6. Get To Know Each Other’s Families

Getting to know each other’s families might seem like entering a whole new galaxy with strange planets and peculiar creatures.

Honestly, it’s a journey worth taking!

Family dynamics can be like a maze of emotions. Some families are tight-knit, while others might have a few loose ends.

Yet, it’s not about trying to fit in like a puzzle piece; it’s about being genuine and authentic. Embrace your quirkiness, and show interest in your partner’s family tales – even the ones with funny plot twists!

Building a strong bond with your partner’s family might not happen overnight. It’s a process, like planting seeds in a garden and watching them bloom over time.

Therefore, take baby steps, show genuine interest, and be patient. Remember, it’s not about impressing anyone; it’s about forming meaningful connections.

7. Discuss Your Views on Family Planning

This conversation is a lot more than just cute fluff. It’s about discussing your views on family planning and how you envision raising children if you plan to have them.

Family planning is a big decision that takes time, thought, and open communication.

You’ve got to talk about everything – the cheese (how many kiddos you want), the sauce (when you’d like to start), and the toppings (your parenting styles and values).

And you know what makes this conversation even more special? It’s like painting a masterpiece together – you both add your colors, creating a beautiful mosaic of hopes and dreams.

Discussing family planning and raising kids isn’t like talking about the weather. It’s more like navigating uncharted waters.

You might uncover emotions you didn’t know you had or fears that you need to address together.

When you have these open and honest conversations, you’ll find that you’re not just partners in love but partners in parenthood too.

8. Talk About Your Health Habits and Lifestyle Choices

Health habits can be like little creatures of habit. Some of us are fitness enthusiasts, while others might prefer the comfort of their couch.

But here’s the twist – it’s not about being identical in your habits; it’s about understanding and supporting each other.

Embrace your differences, and don’t be afraid to share your health journeys – the highs, the lows, and the occasional cookie cravings!

Talking about your health habits and lifestyle choices might not be a piece of cake (pun intended!). It’s like mixing up a fresh batch of emotions – excitement, vulnerability, and a pinch of fear.

Still, guess what? This openness and honesty are like the secret sauce to a strong relationship. It’s about being real with each other, no filters, no facades.

9. Address Any Religious or Spiritual Differences

Religion and spirituality are like a kaleidoscope of beliefs and practices. You might be a dedicated follower of a certain faith, while your partner is more of a spiritual wanderer, exploring different paths.

Addressing religious or spiritual differences isn’t about converting each other or pretending to be something you’re not. It’s like learning a new language, where you take the time to understand each other’s beliefs, rituals, and traditions.

You might even discover some common threads that unite you, like two branches of a beautiful tree coming together.

You could also encounter choppy waters as you navigate through these differences.

Nevertheless, When you openly communicate about your beliefs and how they shape your values, you’re building a bridge of understanding between your worlds.

Embrace those differences and find ways to celebrate each other’s uniqueness.

10. Address Past Baggage and Emotional Healing

Addressing past baggage and emotional healing might sound like embarking on a daunting quest, but it’s a journey that leads to a heart full of freedom and love.

Emotional healing can be a rollercoaster ride of emotions. We all have our share of ups and downs, scars, and joys.

The beautiful truth is that it’s not about being perfectly healed but about the journey of growth and self-discovery.

Embrace your vulnerabilities, and share your stories like priceless gems. This emotional openness is like a secret potion that strengthens the bond between you and your partner.

Addressing past baggage and emotional healing might not be easy. It’s a journey of healing that’s unique and filled with colors of growth and resilience.

11. Surround Yourselves With Supportive Friends and Family

Surrounding yourselves with supportive friends and family is like having a team of cheerleaders cheering you on every step of the way!

Life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows – there will be rainy days and thunderstorms.

Albeit, when you have a supportive crew by your side, it’s like having a compass to guide you through those rough patches.

They’re the ones who’ll remind you of your strength when you feel like giving up and cheer you on like a football stadium roaring with excitement.

Building a supportive circle ain’t just about having a crowd of people around you. It’s more like curating a garden, choosing the flowers that bloom beautifully together.

You have to find those who lift you, bring positivity, and celebrate your love like it’s their favorite holiday.

They’re the ones who’ll be there to wipe away the tears of laughter and offer a shoulder to lean on when the going gets tough.

12. Consider Pre-marital Counselling and Support

Pre-marital counselling is like a booster shot that prepares you for the ups and downs of married life.

Pre-marital counseling is not about fixing something that’s broken; it’s about building a strong foundation or ultimate training ground for a rock-solid relationship.

Think of it as sharpening your relationship tools and getting ready for whatever life throws your way.

Seeking pre-marital counseling might feel a bit like going to the dentist. You might hesitate, thinking, “Do I need this?”

Just like a dental checkup keeps your smile shining bright, pre-marital counseling keeps your relationship healthy and vibrant. It’s about investing in your love story and setting yourself up for a lifetime of happiness.

In all, it’s not about having a perfect relationship but about being open to learning and growing together.

Parting Thoughts

I doff my hat to you for making it to the end of this post titled ‘Do these 12 things first before you get married.”

You’ve just navigated through the ups and downs of emotions, discovered the magic of open communication, and learned how to build a love that stands the test of time.

But guess what? This is just the beginning!

In the world of love and relationships, there’s always more to learn, discover, and experience.

So, feel free to surf this site for more articles you love.

And don’t hesitate to share this one with your family and friends.

Thanks for reading.

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