
Do Fragrances Cause Headaches? | DeeDee’s Blog

Human beings can smell very many odors but they will not react in the same way to the smells. People indeed will sense unpleasant smells; they will also react differently to pleasant smells such as fragrances.

In the case of perfumes, some people will find the smell to be heavenly while another person will probably get a headache from the same smell.

Do Fragrances Cause Headaches? | DeeDee's Blog

Therefore, it is important that when you are shopping for fragrances, you should go for top-quality ones from companies such as Lelior and others that are known to stock high-quality fragrances.

So, is it true that fragrances cause headaches? This is a common question people may have when they get headaches and do not know whether or not they are caused by the fragrances that they are using.

Well, the answer is yes. Some fragrances can cause headaches to some people and not to others. There are several reasons as to why some fragrances cause headaches to some people.

Here are three reasons why fragrances cause headaches


Smell has a relationship with our emotional system. Some smells will trigger some memories of that smell. Some of the smells we sense during our stressful times can trigger emotional reactions.

Let’s say you have smelled a fragrance that you encountered while in hospital or one that your ex was using. This may trigger some negative emotional responses to your emotional system.

With this in mind, your body will generate a fight-stress response. This is one way your body reacts to stress or danger and anxiety. This will first bring tension around your neck area and the head.

This is because of the widening of the blood vessels so that more blood is diverted to parts of the body that need it such as the brain. This process is known as vasodilation.

When the blood vessels around the head and neck widen, then we perceive pain in the form of headaches. For this reason, we can say that fragrances can cause headaches to some people.

Sinus troubles

In our brains, odorants are chemicals that activate the signal of smell. These can irritate our sinuses sometimes. Some of the most common odorants that irritate our sinuses are smoke, chlorine, and perfume.

Our sinuses are lined with mucus-secreting membranes. This mucus is tasked with the role of trapping potential irritants and particles and this means the body has to produce more mucus for this purpose.

When fragrances activate the mucus activity, it means that the immune system will kick in therefore resulting in inflammation and vasoligation. This will then cause a headache.

Odor intolerance

Also known as osmophobia, odor intolerance is a common cause of headaches. This is quite rare but all the same, people who suffer from chronic headaches tend to suffer from this problem.

Migraine sufferers are prone to this condition and are more susceptible to strong odors such as perfumes and fragrances.

Cigarette smoke and car exhaust fumes are some of the other triggers of headaches. Sometimes people may also suffer headaches when they are exposed to strong perfumes that are cheap. As such, when buying fragrances and perfumes, consider those from good manufacturers.

Do Fragrances Cause Headaches? | DeeDee's Blog
Detola Deedee

The brain behind Deedeesblog, Detola is an embodiment of creativity – With deep knowledge in Counseling and Photography, He started this platform to share happiness via digital contents in Relationships and Documentaries.

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