Opening Nigeria to a world of greater opportunities in 2023 — Economic Confidential
*Dr Mu’azu: Opening Nigeria to a world of greater opportunities in 2023*
By Ibrahim Sani Dawakin-Tofa.
No matter how unpleasant a situation may seem, there is always a point of redemption if there is political will and sincerity of purpose. To those with a blend of both, unpleasant situations are only puzzles meant to be fixed to create the solution; as it is often said “to those who know the working formula, achievements always are at the other side of challenges.”
Since 2015, Nigeria has made some appreciable foundational progress that needed to be sustained to secure greatness for the people and this can only happen with the right leader like Dr Ahmadu Adamu Mu’azu steering the wheels of governance.
The popular saying that Rome was not built in one day is a fact and certainly that same Rome is evidently built by Romans. Every country like China, America, Great Britain, Singapore have their moment of rising and that moment wasn’t accidental but a step-by-step approach through deliberate moves by visionary leaders to engineer a new world where opportunities and potentials abound for the citizens to prosper and create wealth for themselves and the nation.
This is to say that for every tale of modern Singapore, there is a figure to it –Lee Kuan Yew. Who says that Nigeria cannot have our own version of Lee in Dr. Mu’azu to deliver the revolution in terms of developing Nigeria? If it took a Singaporean to develop Singapore, Chinese to develop China, Americans to build America, then only Nigerians can truly build a strong nation for everyone to be proud of.
In recent times, one of the most competent leaders there is remains Dr Mu’azu; a meticulous Ahmadu Bello-educated Quantity Surveyor whose pragmatic approach to governance laid a solid foundation for the development of Bauchi state. Dr Mu’azu is a visionary and a strong-willed leader who gets things done in a manner that gladdens the heart of the people. This is evident in the massive human-capital investment that took many women and youths out of poverty in Bauchi state under his administration. Under his leadership, Bauchi state metamorphosed into a business hub where opportunities for citizens to impact on their livelihoods were prioritized. This is the kind of leader we need in Nigeria going forward.
For those seeking the rise of Nigeria in 2023, we have the solution in Dr Mu’azu who can answer the questions on the contemporary narratives in the governance of a country like ours. His political prowess in reforming a state like Bauchi while also delivering on his several calls to service, and running open-door policy is an asset that the country will need if we are to close the gaps in bad governance and improve on our transparency in the leadership of our dear nation.
Dr Ahmadu Adamu Mu’azu would make a spectacular leader looking at his antecedent as a governor in building a strong socio-political structure, security, affordable healthcare and sound education and creating more opportunities for employment of the youths. As the then member of Bauchi state Scholarship Board, Dr Mu’azu, he ensured that many poor youths who couldn’t get the opportunities of educating themselves beyond primary and secondary schools level enjoyed scholarships.
Today, many of those youths are now making impact in their communities and beyond. This is one of the potentials of Dr Mu’azu that can be harnessed to better educate our numerous children that are out-of-school and which when achieved will give our children and the youths the platform to impact as well as contribute to the development of the country.
Over the past few years, the biographies of several political leaders have been evaluated ahead of 2023 and that of Dr Mu’azu has shown that he is a leader with vision and determination; these are key to the kind of efficacious leadership that is being sought by Nigerians. One of the very banes of leadership in the country over the years is the dearth of visionary leaders at some point in the leadership chain from the grassroots through to the top. But with a visionary leader like Dr Mu’azu, history will judge right those who would elect him as the next President for the country to consolidate on the present administration’s gains to build a better country that is economically viable and self-sustaining.
According to Sheryl Sandberg, the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence.” This has been the case in Bauchi state where Dr Mu’azu left endearing legacies which the people of the state still remember and celebrate.
As successful businessman with deep experience in private-public-partnership approach towards creating opportunities for a country like Nigeria with her vast human and natural resources, Dr Mu’azu can build for Nigeria one of the highest GDP per capita in the world with a thriving economic hub that will become the pride of Africa. When opportunities are opened up in Nigeria, youths and women would be empowered to live above poverty and improve their living standard. We yearn for change and it’s time to build on the gains of the present administration through the leadership skills of Dr Mu’azu to initiate and implement massive transformational change in all sectors of governance.
Many have referred to Nigeria as a ‘’sleeping giant’’ just as Napoleon once remarked about China but today China has witnessed a transformational change in terms of economic and military power which has marveled the world. Dr Mu’azu also has the capacity to do same being a leader that believes in purposeful and collective change where brilliant and visionary teams would be mounted at various levels of administration to drive the initiative of change for the country. With the pragmatic leadership style embedded in the person of Dr Mu’azu, Nigeria will witness that shift from a developing country to a fast emerging economy with explosive double-digit growth in domestic product.
The political implication of having a leader who can open up the space for investors both local and foreign to make impact is that there would be a lot of employment opportunities to keep our eagerly-anxious and opportunity-hungry youths too busy to engage in crimes and this will in turn improve on our security for other sectors to follow.
We have the opportunity of choosing Dr Mu’azu to wake up the sleeping giant called Nigeria, we must rise as Nigerians and strengthen that movement and like the famous Nigerian playwright James Ene Henshaw puts it “This is our chance,” let’s make it count.
Ibrahim Sani is a public affairs analyst and can be reached via [email protected]