
8 Ways to Become Rich [Simple and Easy] » Voice of Nigeria

8 Simple and Easy Ways to Get Rich

How do you become rich? Money is not everything. But almost anything can be made easy thanks to money. That’s why the question how to get rich is often expressed.

The problem is, being rich doesn’t just count the numbers of assets collected. It takes hard work and sacrifice to get success.

Of course we are not talking about those who are born rich or of aristocratic descent whose wealth has not been eaten by 7,777 generations. Instead, what we are discussing are billionaires who started everything from scratch.

Here are eight ways to become rich, which are easy to do and guaranteed to be safe and lawful.

1. The way to be rich is to focus on big things

Yes, saving from small expenses each day is good. For example, from the habit of buying fried food for IDR 10,000 or coffee at a cafe for IDR 30,000. But how long can you get rich from small expenses like that?

Learning from Warren Buffet, focus on big things from the start. One big determinant of prosperity is the house. So, when there are funds and opportunities, immediately allocate expenses to buy a house, even if you have to go through credit. No need to wait for 0 percent down payment.

2. Tube first, shop later

Warren Buffet has a pearl of wisdom: “Don’t save left over shopping money, but spend using the remaining money that has been saved.”

The benchmark first is what percentage of savings from a month’s income, for example 30 percent. If the salary is 100,000 Naira, for example, it means that 30,000 is immediately locked in the savings account, then the rest is used for other purposes. This is the way to be disciplined in saving and at the same time the most effective way.

3. Double Income

Do billionaires only have one source of income ? Impossible. There must be money faucets open everywhere. That is what is called passive income. For example, have a shop that has been developed, then build a boarding house for rent.

Stores are the main source of income, while boarding houses are multipliers. In essence, passive income must be obtained from activities that do not conflict with the main income and do not need to be backed up all the time.

4. Focus on the most important assets

Your efforts and hard work will be useless if you can’t focus on your most important asset: yourself. Mark Cuban, businessman and philanthropist from America, proved himself this one way.

One must continue to learn and hone oneself as an asset to become rich. Without it, people will be trapped in stagnation and find it difficult to progress.

5. Don’t be half measures

You must know your own potential, and maximize it to achieve the pinnacle of success. It’s not even easy to feel satisfied or even inferior.

Grant Cardone, who is a businessman, writer, as well as an expert on self-potential training, said that people who want to be successful must be the greatest in the field they are in. That’s why, sweat sweat spills to blood so you don’t become an ordinary person.

6. Make money

This is the easiest way to do it. Most billionaires are entrepreneurs as well as investors.

Because they are aware of the importance of investing money. The earlier it is done, the greater the chance of achieving something from that investment. In fact, if you can start while still a student.

Find out the type of investment that feels right, then get serious there. It’s best to sow seeds of money in one or two types of investment first, then expand the land so that the crops will be more abundant. An allocation of 15 percent of income is enough to start this step.

7. Wise when “find money”

Got money? Definitely happy absurdly. But, instead of spending it immediately because it’s not included in the financial plan, it’s better to set it aside for fattening savings.

Finding money here doesn’t mean getting money falls on the road. The point is unexpected incoming funds, for example bonuses from the office, operating profits that exceed estimates, or even lottery prizes and inheritance.

8. Wise debt

The next way to become rich is to be wise in borrowing money. There’s nothing wrong with debt. What’s wrong is going into debt without a mature plan and for things that really don’t matter.

Sometimes the temptation comes to owe even though the item to be purchased is not a necessity. For example, the latest iPhone credit even though the old cellphone is still okay. If you have a lot of consumer debt from a young age, how can you get rich from an old age?


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