
Why Has Kabbalah Captivated Seekers of Spiritual Truth for Centuries?

Kabbalah is a school of thought in Jewish mysticism that arose in the medieval period when many Jewish people inhabited Spain and Southern France before the Spanish Inquisition.

The ideas and concepts of Kabbalah have survived the turmoil of those times and emerged in the modern world as a beacon for many.

Why Has Kabbalah Captivated Seekers of Spiritual Truth for Centuries

So why has it captivated seekers of truth for centuries? There are many reasons why, but we will highlight just a few below to help the curious understand this historical belief system.

Connection With The Spiritual

All humans question how we evolved to where we are now and how we exist on this Earth. Many people believe that there has been a divine intervention in the path of humankind from the beginning and that there is an existence beyond the one we know in this physical life.

The ideologies of Kabbalah assure believers that God is ever present and has infinite wisdom about the universe. Like any religious ideology, this gives comfort to people who have struggled in life and pursue an understanding of why the world is the way it is.

Although God cannot be seen or proven, there is still a transcendent presence that exists according to followers of Kabbalah.

Like any belief system or religion, seekers of spiritual truth long for a community of other people who also seek peace in this life. Communities of Kabbalah followers like De Light have created a network of resources for those who are in pursuit of spiritual knowledge. A big part of this belief system is the connection between humans.

To understand Kabbalah means to see God as a transcendent presence that humanity can collectively accept and connect with. Humans are naturally drawn to groups and spiritual truth seekers find a community in Kabbalah.

Understanding God’s Presence In The Physical World

One aspect of the Kabbalah belief system is that god is present in two forms: the spiritual and the physical. The spiritual form exists in the unknown realm, limitless and impenetrable, whereas the physical form of God manifests itself in humankind.

Similar to the Christian belief that Jesus was a physical manifestation of God in human form while God still existed in heaven, Kabbalah believers see the two forms of God as coexisting without contradiction. If the first form is infinite and all-present, then one of those presences can be physical on Earth.

This line of thinking comes as a comfort to people who may feel like God is far away and unattainable in this life. Many people on Earth seek the comfort of an omnipresent being to explain why bad things happen in life and why we are here. The concept of God living through humanity is encouraging to many.

Why Has Kabbalah Captivated Seekers of Spiritual Truth for Centuries

If Kabbalah is a completely new concept to you, take some time to explore the school of thought and talk to some believers. It is a belief system that has lasted for centuries and shows no signs of going away, so it is worth exploring to see what all of the buzz is about.

Why Has Kabbalah Captivated Seekers of Spiritual Truth for Centuries?
Detola Deedee

The brain behind Deedeesblog, Detola is an embodiment of creativity – With deep knowledge in Counseling and Photography, He started this platform to share happiness via digital content in Relationships and Documentaries.

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