
[Updated] Dollar to Naira Today Exchange Rate » Voice of Nigeria

Stay up-to-date on the latest currency exchange rates between the US dollar to Nigerian Naira. The information provided here is user-friendly and rates are updated daily, which is especially important given the recent volatility in global currencies.

The dollar to Naira exchange rate is important for many conducting business or financial transactions using both the US dollar and the Nigerian naira.

As you know, the exchange rate fluctuates every day according to various factors.

Getting informed about the current exchange rate is crucial for businesses which doing import or export goods, as it affects the cost of goods and services.

Companies need to keep track of the exchange rate to ensure they can remain competitive in the market.

The exchange rate is also important for investors. A change in the exchange rate can significantly impact the value of investments in foreign currencies or stocks.

This is why many investors keep a close eye on the exchange rate and make adjustments to their portfolio as necessary. Being aware of the exchange rate can also help individuals make smart investments and budget effectively.

It is important for travelers also because rate affects the cost of travel, including airfare and hotel accommodation. Knowing the current exchange rate can help travelers budget effectively and make informed decisions when planning a trip.

It’s important for travelers to know the rate before making transactions abroad, to avoid been short changed. Keeping track of the exchange rate is essential for anyone who conducts business or financial transactions involving both the U.S. dollar and Nigerian naira.

[Updated] Dollar to Naira Today Exchange Rate » Voice of Nigeria

Dollar to Naira today

Market Dollar ($) Naira (₦)
Black market: $1 ₦ 750
CBN rate: $1 BUY ₦ 452.61
SELL ₦ 453.61

Dollar to Naira Today Rates

How much is 1 dollar in naira?

1 United State Dollar Equal to 452.61 Nigerian Naira

How much is 10 dollar in naira?

10 United State Dollar is Equal to 4526.1 Nigerian Naira

How much is 20 dollar in naira?

20 United State Dollar is Equal to 9052.2 Nigerian Naira

How much is 50 dollar in naira?

50 United State Dollar is Equal to 22630.5 Nigerian Naira

How much is 80 dollar in naira?

80 United State Dollar is Equal to 36208.8 Nigerian Naira

How much is 100 dollar in Naira (nigeria currency)?

100 United State Dollar is Equal to 45261 Nigerian Naira

How much is 150 dollar in naira?

150 United State Dollar is Equal to 67891.5 Nigerian Naira

Thank you for choosing our website VoiceofNigeria for the most up-to-date Dollar to Naira exchange rate information.

We are dedicated to providing daily updates on the dollar to naira today exchange rate because we understand very well the importance of this information to our readers.

We strive to provide the most reliable information because we know how important this for businesses, investors, travelers and individuals.

The trust that our readers have placed in us is a constant source of inspiration for our team. Knowing that we are providing a valuable service to our readers gives us the motivation to work hard every day.

We take pride in the fact that people trust us for accurate and reliable information about the dollar to naira today exchange rate.

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