
Top Study: Covid Shots Directly Linked to Sudden Deaths Surge

An explosive new study has provided evidence of a direct link between Covid mRNA injections and the global surge in sudden deaths.

The findings of the bombshell study were just published by a group of renowned researchers, sending shockwaves through the scientific community.

The study was conducted by Christof Kuhbandner, PhD, Professor of Psychology at the University of Regensburg in Bavaria Germany, and mathematician Prof. Matthias Reitzner at Osnabrück University, a public research university located in the city of Osnabrück in Lower Saxony.

The study directly contradicts the “safe and effective” narrative that has been peddled about the mRNA injections since they were first pushed onto the public in early 2021.

In their study, the top scientists identified a direct correlation between surging excess mortality in Germany and Covid mRNA injections.

The esteemed authors of the study are now raising the alarm about the devastating side effects of the shots and calling for governments to launch full investigations into their explosive findings.

The pre-print paper for the study is titled “Differential Increases in Excess Mortality in the German Federal States During the COVID-19 Pandemic.”

The German academic researchers initially sought to analyze the influence of COVID-19 on mortality in the sixteen German federal states.

However, they found during the analysis that the Covid “vaccines” themselves are causing the surge in sudden deaths, and not the virus.

As part of the study, the pair estimated the burden of the COVID-19 pandemic separately for each federal state by calculating state-specific excess mortalities for the three pandemic years:

  • 04/2020-03/2021
  • 04/2021-03/2022
  • 04/2022-03/2023

They continued by exploring several key state-specific quantities to determine the extent to which these covary with the excess mortality.

Among the explored quantities are aspects related to the pandemic (strength of measures, COVID-19 infections, and vaccination rates) and aspects unrelated to the pandemic, such as mean age, gross domestic product, poverty rates, and proportions of people in need of care.

Estimating excess mortality, Kuhbandner and Reitzner on a state-by-state basis compared the observed number of all-cause deaths with the number of statistically expected all-cause deaths.

The duo makes use of German life tables and longevity trends, state-specific population tables, and state factors as a means of estimating the expected number of deaths.

The results yield for each federal state separate estimates for the expected number of all-cause deaths had there been no pandemic

The German scientists found a range of excess mortality by the federal state during the COVID-19 pandemic years.

Across all German federal states, excess mortality was small in the first pandemic year.

However, the figure increased in the second and soared significantly in the third pandemic year.

This is despite the introduction of near-universal vaccination across German society.

Excess death increases varied substantially across the federal states.

Regarding the covariations with the explored state-specific quantities, the authors call our attention to two correlation patterns.

“In the first two years of the pandemic, but not in the third, there was a strong correlation between excess mortality and the number of reported COVID deaths, suggesting that the differences in excess mortality observed earlier in the pandemic are due to differences in the levels of exposure to COVID-19,” they write in the study’s paper.

Kuhbandner and Reitzner educate that “this cannot explain the increase of excess mortality in the second and third pandemic years because the number of COVID-19 deaths decreased instead of increased in almost all federal states.”

Raising alarm, the authors emphasize that “ the increase in excess mortality, an increasingly strong positive correlation with the vaccination rate of a federal state is observed, which reaches a value of r = 0.85 in the third pandemic year, indicating that excess mortality increased the stronger the higher the vaccination rate in a federal state was.

“An analysis of stillbirths showed exactly the same pattern.

“No other systematic correlation pattern was observed.”

Top Study: Covid Shots Directly Linked to Sudden Deaths Surge

Using what the authors describe as a “state-of-the-art method of actuarial science to estimate excess mortality in the federal states of Germany in the three pandemic years (04/2020 to 03/2023)” they find that the estimated excess mortality showed substantial variance across the federal states.

After an exploratory analysis covering several key state-specific quantities, the German authors reveal that only two quantities evidence a robust correlational relationship with the observed excess mortality: COVID-19 deaths and the COVID-19 vaccination rate.

Importantly, excess mortality in the first and second pandemic years strongly correlated with the reported number of deaths and infections; and in the second and third pandemic years, “an increasingly stronger relationship between excess mortality and the vaccination rate was observed.”

This observation, “contrary to what would be expected with an effective vaccination” points to positive instead of negative correlations.

Or put simply; “the more vaccinations were administered in a federal state, the greater the increase in excess mortality.”

The authors articulate that the specific correlational finding synchronizes with previous correlational findings in the temporal domain.

The study proves that excess mortality was highest during the months with a high number of vaccinations.

The scientists conclude that the soaring excess mortality occurring both in regions and in time windows in which many vaccinations took place provides direct correlational evidence that the vaccinations had a negative effect instead of a positive effect.

Unfortunately, the present findings support other referenced concerns about Covid mRNA injections.

The study’s findings substantiate the suspicion that the negative side effects of the injections far outweigh the positive effects, according to the German authors.

The paper is currently awaiting peer review before it is published for greater evidentiary weight.

READ MORE – Japanese Biopsy Specialists Prove Covid Shots Cause Deadly Heart Failure

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