
Top Climate Scientist Blows Whistle, Admits ‘Crisis’ Is a Hoax

One of the world’s most respected climate scientists has blown the lid off the green agenda narrative that the Earth is facing a “crisis” due to “global warming.”

Dr. Judith Curry is a climatologist who has published more than 140 scientific books and papers.

Curry, who served as former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, has also admitted to pushing fake “climate change” propaganda herself.

As Slay News previously reported, Curry recently came forward to confess to fabricating her studies concluding that “climate change” is causing more frequent and more severe hurricanes around the world.

For years, Curry has been one of the leading voices warning that the Earth is facing an “emergency” due to allegedly “man-made climate change.”

Her work has frequently been cited by those promoting climate alarmism.

Curry said she became the darling of the liberal corporate media after she published a study that seemed to show a dramatic increase in hurricane intensity.

“We found that the percent of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes had doubled,” says Curry.

The study was published around the time of Hurricane Katrina.

“This was picked up by the media,” and then climate alarmists realized, “Oh, here is the way to do it,” she said.

“Tie extreme weather events to global warming!”

The “more intense” hurricanes reported in her findings rapidly gave the alarmists fuel.

However, when her work gave her worldwide recognition after it was linked to “climate change,” Curry admits that she enjoyed the green agenda ride.

“I was adopted by the environmental advocacy groups and the alarmists and I was treated like a rock star,” Curry recounts.

“Flown all over the place to meet with politicians.”

But then some researchers pointed out gaps in her research by highlighting the years with low levels of hurricanes.

“Like a good scientist, I investigated,” says Curry.

“Part of it was bad data,” she admitted.

“Part of it is natural climate variability.”

Curry says that she decided to speak out after her own work was exposed.

Her own experience made Curry realize that there is a “climate-change industry” set up to reward alarmism.

“The origins go back to the . . . UN environmental program,” says Curry.

Some United Nations officials were motivated by “anti-capitalism,” she revealed.

“They hated the oil companies and seized on the climate change issue to move their policies along,” Curry explains.

In 1988, the UN created the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

“The IPCC wasn’t supposed to focus on any benefits of warming,” Curry explains.

“The IPCC’s mandate was to look for dangerous human-caused climate change.”

“Then the national funding agencies directed all the funding . . . assuming there are dangerous impacts.”

The researchers quickly figured out that the way to get funded was to make alarmist claims about “man-made climate change.”

This is how “manufactured consensus” happens.

In a new interview with commentator John Stossel, Curry has further exposed the globalist “climate crisis” narrative that seeks to usher in the “Net Zero” goals of the UN and World Economic Forum (WEF) before 2030.

The video begins with alarmist statements from radical Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and “global warming” activist Greta Thunberg, who both claim, without evidence, that “people are dying!”

Also among the propaganda is the claim that Earth has until 2030 to avoid a “climate catastrophe.”


Curry also spoke about Climategate, which revealed so-called climate scientists were concealing information, warping study results, and bullying editors.

Extremists, including those at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, decided on a war against oil companies and capitalism, and put the “policy cart” far ahead of the “science horse,” she said.

Curry said much of the false study results came from the bias in funding.

She explains that scientists looking neutrally at such issues couldn’t get funded and, eventually, they were smeared as “climate deniers.”

Curry said the scientific community likely began the “cancel culture” because of these issues.

Today, she charged, climate change arguments are being used to ignore the real problems that need to be addressed.

She notes that real issues such as poverty, lifestyle, poor government, poor land use, poor city planning, and more and simply blamed on “climate change.”

Curry is not the first renowned scientist to come forward recently, however.

As Slay News reported in August, over 1600 scientists from around the world joined forces by signing a declaration stating that claims of a “climate emergency” threatening the Earth are a hoax.

The massive group of scientists, which includes two Nobel Prize winners, signed the World Climate Declaration (WCD).

The WCD dismisses the existence of a “climate crisis” and insists that carbon dioxide is beneficial to Earth.

The declaration directly conflicts with the popular alarmist narrative that claims humans are destroying the planet with their carbon output.

These views are also echoed by renowned environmentalist Dr. Patrick Moore, a co-founder of Greenpeace.

As Slay News reported earlier this week, Moore is also warning the public that the anti-carbon dioxide narrative is a scam.

Moore, an ecologist and environmental activist for more than 50 years, is warning the public that “climate alarmism… is 100% untrue.”

In a new interview with podcast host Dan Proft, Moore warns that the entire “climate crisis” narrative is a hoax.

Moore highlights how, in recent years, green agenda advocates have been using changes in the weather to suggest that the planet is being destroyed by global warming.

“They said it was the hottest year in the history of the earth the other day, and it’s not,” Moore told Proft on the “Counterculture” podcast.

“That’s just, period, a lie.

“The whole climate alarmism – ‘climate catastrophe’ – is 100% untrue,” Moore declared.

“We are not in a climate crisis.”

Moore told Proft that “there is nothing really that radical happening” with the climate.

He noted that it’s essential to “seek the truth” and “sort out what is true and what isn’t.”


Claims of a “climate crisis” are being promoted around the globe by governments and their media accomplice in an effort to comply with the green agenda goals of the World Economic Forum (WEF), United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO), and other unelected globalist organizations.

Meeting these goals typically involved plans to slash the quality of life for most of the general public while ramping up taxes to “save the planet.”

Meanwhile, the handful of powerful elites promoting the green agenda will continue to fly around in private jets and eat meat because they are “part of the solution.”

READ MORE: Bill Gates Admits ‘Climate Crisis’ Narrative Is a Hoax

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