
My Wife Is Too Desperate-I Think She Is Cheating On Me To Keep Her Job-Pt 2

True Life Story: My Wife Is Too Desperate-I Think She Is Cheating On Me To Keep Her Job-Pt 2


My wife began to struggle with me, to get the phone back. I quickly opened the text and saw that her boss had sent her gbloa emojis with a message...’you always make me want you more when you leave” . My mouth fell open…like what is the meaning of this text?. I also noticed that my wife had deleted every message from the boss before now. I asked her what is going on and she said nothing. That its just a sick prank from her boss. That its just harmless flirting. I told her I do not believe her and so I will call the boss immediately to explain the message. My wife started dragging her phone with me and saying not to call the boss cos she will loose her job.

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At this point, I dont care if she loose her job. Infact, I want her to resign immediately. My wife finally got the phone and refused to let me call her boss. She said the man is crazy and has been hitting on her but she has been managing him so she can keep her job. I asked if she f#cked him and she said over her dead body will she do that. So, why is the man bold enough to send such a text? A text that implies that he has already had s3x with you or he wants to have s3x with you.

My wife is swearing by the bible that she has not done anything with her boss. But I am no longer comfortable with this job. I told her to resign but she says until she gets a better job, she cant resign. All she wants is for us to focus on saving money for our jakpa. I am no longer interested in the jakpa if she has to work at a place where she spends all day and night and weekends working for a man who send her dirty text messages. My wife said I should ignore the man and focus on our goal.

I do not know how to focus on that goal when I am worried that man is either already f#cking my wife or is planning to f#ck her. Please I need advise. My wife says if I do anything to make her loose her job, she will not forgive me. What kind of statement is that? Yes, her job is our main source of income but what about my pride and ego? And why did she delete his previous texts? She said because she never wants to see them, that she deletes it as soon as it delivers.

I am loosing my mind. I don’t know what to do. My wife has said I should trust her. How can I trust her? She does not have s3x with me anymore except maybe once in a month which she does like a sacrifice to appease me. She spends more days and nights and weekends working for this pervert. I do not know how to keep calm anymore. I have told my wife if she does not quit the job, I do not want to go abroad with her anymore. She said I am being over dramatic. That I know she can never cheat on me, after all, she married me as a virgin.

Yes, I used to think she can never cheat on me but what if she is truly cheating? Why cant she resign? I know my wife is obsessed with traveling abroad like her maybe she will jakpa no matter the cost. If she resign now, we will manage until she gets another job but she refused. Saying a bird in hand is better. When my wife goes to work, all I imagine is her boss pounding her…why else is she so tired and not interested in s3x with me? I used to think it was the workload but now, wild thoughts are running through my mind.

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I need advise. Should I trust my wife or do you agree with me that this is crazy? Do you think my wife is telling the truth? Do you think I am over reacting? What should I do?

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