
Most Cancer Cases Are Among Vaccinated, Pathologist Warns

A top pathologist has warned that the vast majority of people now being diagnosed with cancer have been vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots.

Since 2021, doctors have been reporting rising numbers of cancer diagnoses.

Many have been warning of rapidly developing forms of the disease which have been dubbed “turbo cancers.”

The most common type of cancer is carcinoma.

Carcinoma occurs when the DNA of a cell is damaged or altered.

The damage causes the cell to grow uncontrollably and become malignant.

A growing number of experts now fear cancer-causing DNA damage is being caused by Covid mRNA injections.

Steve Kirsch, an MIT computer scientist who founded the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF), spoke with Croatian pathologist Ivana Pavic about the links between cancers and Covid shots.

Pavic told Kirsch that 65 percent of all carcinoma cases among young people, aged 15 to 59, have been vaccinated for Covid.

She revealed that the vaccinated cancer patients had received one or more Covid injections.

According to Kirch’s calculations, this data shows that receiving at least one Covid mRNA injection increases a person’s risk of being diagnosed with carcinoma by 52 percent.

However, the issue is not limited to just those who received injections.

Doctors now fear that “vaccine shedding” from vaccinated people can cause cancer in the unvaccinated.

As Slay News reported, leading clinicians recently announced that, despite claims from top health officials and the corporate media, documents from the FDA and pharmaceutical giant Pfizer have provided proof that “vaccine shedding” is “unfortunately real.”

Vaccine shedding is a process of an individual’s body releasing viral particles from their own shot and spreading it to others.

This issue has raised concerns that people who have chosen not to be vaccinated are having the Covid mRNA shots passed onto them from vaxxed people, against their will.

Kirsch explains how he calculates that the mRNA injections increase the risk of cancer by 52%.

He presented a simple visual involving 100 people, 55 of whom are vaccinated and 45 of whom are not.

If the cancer risk in both groups is, say, 10 percent, you would have 5.5 and 4.5 with 55 percent vaccinated.

“To get to a 65% ratio, it would mean that more vaxxed people got cancer: 8.342 people,” Kirsch further explains.

“So, you then take 8.342 / 5.5 = 1.517.

“So, a 52% increase over baseline risk.”

Based on the information Pavic provided, it isn’t surprising that she has not taken any shots

However, the top pathologist is also warning that nobody should take them, regardless of their alleged risk from Covid.

“She is not alone,” Kirsch says.

“Hardly anyone in Croatia is opting for the shots anymore either, even though 99% of the doctors recommend them as safe and effective.

“Maybe I can get one of them to come on camera with me to explain their recommendation.”

Kirsch is known for unpacking and explaining these types of damning revelations about Covid jabs.

As Slay News has previously reported, Kirsch has issued warnings to the public about the shots, published damning studies on the risks, and even testified before the Pennsylvania Senate about his findings.

Kirsch famously conducted a major study into the impact of the pandemic on Amish communities and found that Covid death rates among the traditionalist groups of citizens are 90 times lower than for the rest of America.

The main difference, the study revealed, is that Amish communities completely ignored the guidelines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

However, these are revelations that the corporate media refuses to tell the public.

Kirsch also has a large following of well-respected doctors who likewise report their findings to him.

One of them, a healthcare provider, explained that cases of “turbo cancer” in her circle started out being a strictly vaccinated thing.

However, “turbo cancers” are now affecting some of her unvaccinated friends.

“While initially, the turbo cancers seem to only happen in the vaccinated, I have three friends/acquaintances in my larger circle of unvaccinated that died of fairly sudden cancer,” this person revealed.

“Not all of them would classify as a turbo, possibly, one was for certain an issue with a GPs questionable care.

“There is more and more live blood cell analysis evidence that now the unvaccinated blood shows similar inclusions or challenged blood profiles as initially was only seen in the vaccinated.”

These cases are believed to be caused by Covid injection shedding.

The shedding appears to be passing from vaccinated to unvaccinated, afflicting the latter with some of the same diseases as the former.

Essentially, the unvaccinated are being vaccinated with mRNA shots without even being injected with a single needle.

Another affirmed this, stating that she is likewise seeing an increase in cancer cases among her unvaccinated friends – though these friends supposedly tested “positive” at one point for either the Delta or Omicron variants of the so-called “virus.”

“I continue to say that the creation of the manipulated Spike Protein is the issue that must be addressed because that, IMHO, is what is causing almost all of the damage, whether through cancer, cardiac issues, autoimmune diseases, etc.,” this person added.

“People who took the shots certainly have a higher concentration of spike, since there is evidently no mechanism for the body to stop making it, but too many people who did not take the shots are also facing significant health issues.”


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