
Japka Has Frustrated My Marriage-Now I Want To Sleep With My Neighbor

True Life Story: Japka Has Frustrated My Marriage-Now I Want To Sleep With My Neighbor

Dear Lively Stones,

I relocated my family to UK (not real location) and my wife came up with something last year year, the truth Is I travel a lot , from one country to another and I have stay months without going home. Because of my frequent travel she said we should relocate and UK is what she want . It was a lot of Issues but eventually I allow them. I initially did not want to join them in this relocation thing but so that the application would be granted, I had to join. , but I was not In the application as the agent advised, they were rejected.

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After we relocated, that was when our marriage started having issues. Back in Nigeria, my work makes me travel alot so since I traveled a lot and go months without seeing my wife and family, my wife can go without s3x for many months. So now that we are living together in UK, we see each other every day but guess what, my wife has lost her libido for s3x cos she is already used to me not always being around.

Since last year till now, my wife and I have not being intimate. My wife is a godly woman, she prays alot at night , she fast a lot. I can swear that she is not cheating but she says she has lost interest in s3x due to many years without it while we were back in Naija. We  we sleep on same bed, naked, yet nothing is happening.

The probem now is that my mind is thinking bad thoughts. I have never done this before but I guess I might have to do It. I am having sexual thoughts towards my neighbor, who is also a Nigerian living here but she is single. My marriage is almost 12 years going, I met my wife a virgin, never cheated before but right now, am thinking of it so badly. I’m just confused , I have talked to my wife about this but she is still refusing s3s with me.

According to my wife, she wants to know if truly I have been faithful all this while, when we were in naija, living months apart without s3x. She says if I was able to hold myself then, why can’t I now? I have told her that I can no longer wait, I have told her many times. She believes I can’t cheat on her too. Yes, the problem started when I started traveling back home, she got used to me not  be around, I saw it each time I returned , that our s3x life was declining but I was busy chasing money and so, I overlooked It.

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I don’t even know how to do masturbation at all. My wife is not cheating, I cant even confront her on that, I cloned her phone , I have all her WhatsApp on my phone without her knowing , I have watched her and there is no sign. She can’t even cheat. I’m used to USA than UK. The weather here is cold and I cannot have s3x, I think I have to locate specialist cos honestly seeing her nakedness on same bed without allowing Is a great issues that Is killing me.

God will help me. I don try since last year and ever in my life side chicks or girlfriends cos I just don’t want to, cos I’m scared of not progressing , I just don’t want God to hold or  have reason to say it’s because I do this or that for God to punish me. I have never seen or heard when a married woman will just loose Interest in s3x with her husband….for so long…for why na. People might think she Is cheating but she is not, I have her WhatsApp , telegram Facebook and she has mine

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Its difficult for someone to believe that I never had s3x outside my marriage, having traveled wide and sleeping in hotel of different types.  In the early stage of our life was sweet , my wife is a good woman. I was lucky to meet her virgin and promised I made I will remain loyal. Now the Devil in UK is testing my faith , I made a real mistake by telling this my single neighbor a little bit. Now she want to fill the void.

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How can one hear that since last year , I sleep on same bed with my wife, and nothing like s3x.  If I make move she will say no. I don’t have to force , she Is just to comfortable and sure that I can’t cheat. I have talked yet again to my wife….I am giving her two months…after that, I am not sure I can promise to continue being faithful. Please help me…I need advise.


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