
Inspiring Hymns About Brotherly Love » Loversify

Within the melodies and verses of hymns, we find a unique source of solace, wisdom, and inspiration. They serve as a bridge between the earthly and the divine, echoing the deepest sentiments of the human heart.

These hymns, penned by some of the most gifted poets and composers throughout history, resonate with a common theme – the power of love, compassion, and unity among brothers and sisters.

They remind us that love, when practised with sincerity, has the potential to transform lives, heal wounds, and unite communities.

As we immerse ourselves in these timeless melodies and heartfelt lyrics, we’ll discover the profound impact that brotherly love has had on countless souls, serving as a testament to the enduring bonds of brotherhood.

Join me in this musical journey, let’s explore the rich medleys of emotions and experiences that these hymns offer. Let their melodies soothe your spirit, and let their words inspire you to embrace and nurture brotherly love in your own life.

Hymns About Brotherly Love

1. “Blest Be the Tie That Binds” – John Fawcett

“Blest Be the Tie That Binds” stands as a timeless ode to the unbreakable bond between brothers and sisters in faith. With heartfelt lyrics and a soothing melody, this hymn celebrates the unity that comes from a shared spiritual journey.

As you sing these words, you’ll feel the warmth of fellowship envelop you, reminding you of the ties that bind us together in love and faith.

Blest Be the Tie That Binds


2. “They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love” – Peter Scholtes

Peter Scholtes’ masterpiece, “They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love,” emphasizes that our love for one another is the most telling sign of our faith. It’s a reminder that our actions, guided by love and compassion, speak louder than words.

This hymn is a call to action, urging us to spread love and kindness wherever we go, a beautiful reflection of brotherly love’s transformative power.

They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love Lyric Video

3. “Brother, Let Me Be Your Servant” – Richard Gillard

Richard Gillard’s “Brother, Let Me Be Your Servant” is a musical embodiment of the selflessness that defines brotherly love. Its lyrics inspire us to offer a helping hand and to be there for one another in times of need.

It encapsulates the idea that true love is found in service and the genuine desire to support each other.

The Servant Song | Christian & Catholic Hymn | Richard Gillard & Betty Pulkingham | Sunday 7pm Choir

4. “O Brother, Be Faithful” – Albert E. Brumley

Albert E. Brumley’s “O Brother, Be Faithful” is a hymn that encourages us to stay steadfast in our love and faith. It reminds us that in the face of life’s trials, our commitment to one another, grounded in faith and love, can weather any storm.

This hymn is a beautiful testament to the enduring strength of brotherly love.

O Brother Be Faithful! Hymnal lyrics

5. “A Common Love” – Lindy Thompson

“A Common Love” by Lindy Thompson speaks of a love that transcends differences, celebrating the common ground we share as brothers and sisters. It’s a hymn that reminds us that despite our diversity, love unites us all.

The simple yet profound message is a celebration of unity through love.

Anthem I Choose Love    Words: Lindy Thompson Music: Mark Miller

6. “In Christ There Is No East or West” – John Oxenham

John Oxenham’s “In Christ There Is No East or West” echoes the universal nature of brotherly love. It beautifully conveys the idea that love knows no boundaries, and in the eyes of love, we are all equal.

It’s a song of unity and equality, fostering a sense of brotherhood that extends beyond borders.

In Christ There Is No East or West

7. “Make Me a Channel of Your Peace” – Sebastian Temple

Sebastian Temple’s “Make Me a Channel of Your Peace” is a plea to be an instrument of love and harmony. It reminds us that by spreading love, pardon, and hope, we can make the world a better place.

This hymn inspires us to embody the principles of brotherly love in our daily lives.

Make Me A Channel of Your Peace by Sebastian Temple

8. “Let Us Break Bread Together” – Traditional

“Let Us Break Bread Together” is a hymn that celebrates the act of sharing, not just bread but also love and fellowship.

It symbolizes the unity that comes from breaking bread together, reinforcing the idea that love and communion go hand in hand.

Let Us Break Bread Together (3vv) [with lyrics for congregations]

9. “Love One Another” – Luacine Clark Fox

Luacine Clark Fox’s “Love One Another” is a musical embodiment of the golden rule: to love one another as we would like to be loved. It’s a gentle reminder of the power of simple acts of kindness and compassion.

This hymn beautifully encapsulates the essence of brotherly love.

Love One Another (2012) | The Tabernacle Choir

10. “Bind Us Together” – Bob Gillman

“Bind Us Together” by Bob Gillman serves as a heartfelt prayer for unity and love. It’s a reminder that our strength lies in our togetherness, bound by the ties of love and faith.

This hymn encourages us to nurture and protect the bonds of brotherly love.

Bind Us Together - Bob Gillman | Lyric Video

11. “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” – Charles Wesley

This hymn calls for the divine presence of love to enrich our lives. It reminds us that the highest form of love, divine love, can guide us to excel in our love for one another.

Love Divine All Loves Excelling

12. “Make Me a Blessing” – Ira B. Wilson

This hymn encourages us to be not only recipients of blessings but also givers of blessings. It reminds us that acts of kindness and love can ripple outward, making the world a better place.

Make Me A Blessing words by Ira B. Wilson and Mary McDonald

13. “Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service” – Albert F. Bayly

Humility is a cornerstone of brotherly love. This hymn invites us to follow the example of humility set by the Lord and to serve one another with a loving and humble heart.

Lord Whose Love In Humble Service

14. “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” – Joseph M. Scriven

Friendship is a form of love that holds a special place in our lives. This hymn celebrates the idea that in Jesus, we find a friend who understands us completely and loves us unconditionally.

What a friend we have in Jesus

15. “O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee” – Washington Gladden

Walking together symbolizes companionship and unity. This hymn is a prayer to walk with the Master, learn from His love and grace, and walk in the path of love alongside our fellow human beings.

O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee | Washington Gladden - 1879 | Henry P. Smith - 1874

16. “Blessed Assurance” – Fanny J. Crosby

Assurance of love is a comforting feeling. This hymn expresses the blessed assurance of God’s love, which can inspire us to offer that same assurance to one another.

Blessed Assurance by Fanny Crosby - Worship Video Lyrics

17. “Jesus, Lover of My Soul” – Charles Wesley

This hymn speaks to the profound love and refuge found in Jesus. It reminds us that in times of need, we can turn to Him for solace and guidance, just as we can lean on one another.

Jesus lover of my soul  Charles Wesley

18. “Love Lifted Me” – James Rowe

Love has the power to lift us up from despair and darkness. This hymn celebrates the transformative nature of love, which has the ability to uplift and renew our spirits.

Love Lifted Me (By James Rowe) Singalong Song

19. “Love Came Down at Christmas” – Christina Georgina Rossetti

Christmas, a season of love and giving, is beautifully depicted in this hymn. It reminds us of the ultimate act of love—God sending His Son to dwell among us, a symbol of divine love for humanity.

Love Came Down at Christmas (lyric video)

20. “Love Lifted High” – Mark Altrogge

The closing hymn in our collection reminds us that love, when elevated and celebrated, can be a guiding light in our lives.

It encourages us to lift love high, for it is the beacon that can lead us to greater compassion and unity.

O Mighty Cross!

The Everlasting Song of Brotherly Love

As I conclude our melodic journey through these hymns of brotherly love, may the harmonious melodies linger in your heart. These hymns remind us that love, compassion, and unity are the cornerstones of a rich and meaningful life.

Just as each note blends seamlessly in a beautiful symphony, our acts of love and kindness weave together to create a world filled with brotherly love.

So, let the echoes of these hymns inspire you to be a beacon of love, lighting up the lives of those around you. For in the grand symphony of life, it’s the melody of brotherly love that truly resonates in our souls.

Let these hymns be a constant reminder that, in a world that sometimes seems divided, brotherly love has the power to bridge gaps, heal wounds, and bring people together.

It’s a force that knows no boundaries, recognizes no differences, and extends a hand of friendship to all. Do well to share the post with a loved one today, and drop what you feel about the post in the comment box below. Thank you.

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