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The recent crash in NFT and why it’s not the end but just a beginning?

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The virtual document providing ownership for all your work is quite valuable, as you may know. The recent news of a crash in the NFT marketplace caused quite a stir in the industry. 

Well, good news! Accepting it is true,

 NFTs will Blow up just as much in the near days. In the White-label multi-chain NFT platform development, the growth in high-stakes investments beyond a tool that would set up identity and even users authority will soon be recognized as a game changer.

Posted : 24/08/2022 12:07 pm
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Why Binance NFT Marketplace is the Ultimate Destination for Creators-1

Are you looking for a new way to monetize your digital art, music, or other creative content? Have you heard about NFTs and the potential they have to revolutionize the way creators sell their work? If so, you might want to consider selling your NFTs on the Binance NFT Marketplace.

Here are some reasons why:

Huge user base: Binance is one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, with millions of users. This means that the Binance NFT Marketplace has a huge potential audience for your NFTs. When you sell your NFTs on Binance, you are reaching a global audience of crypto enthusiasts who are looking for unique and valuable digital assets.

Low fees: Binance charges some of the lowest fees in the industry, which means more of the profits from your NFT sales go directly to you. Binance charges a 1% fee for creators selling their NFTs, which is significantly lower than other marketplaces like OpenSea or Rarible. This means that you get to keep more of your earnings when you sell your NFTs on Binance.

Posted : 18/04/2023 7:22 pm

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