Want an easy way to build and send a message out to your audience? Try using Braze Content Cards! Think of them as a pop-up banner, modal, modules, or inbox notification displayed to your audience. Braze’s Content Cards are a messaging channel that can be integrated into your app or website. Content cards are used as website banners, carousels, or featured inbox messages. 

Types of Content Cards

There are three different types of Braze Content Cards such as: 

  • Classic
    • Layout includes
      • Header text
      • Message text
      • Link (optional)
      • Image (optional and must be 1:1 ratio). 
  • Captioned Image 
    • Layout includes 
      • Header text
      • Message text
      • Link (optional)
      • Image (recommended 4:3 ratio). 
  • Banner
    • Layout includes 
      • Image (any ratio supported) 
      • Link (optional)

Which Type of Content Card Do I Use?

When figuring out which content card works best for your use case, ask yourself these four questions.

  1. What kind of content do I want featured? Does it require an image? Does it require text?
  2. If it requires text, can I say it concisely in 2-4 short sentences? 
  3. What action or next step do I want my audience to take after reviewing the content card?
  4. How often or how prominently do I want this to appear to users? Is it something that can be shown once, or does it require featured placement?

If you have a personalized subscriber discount offer or call-to-action for an upcoming subscription renewal, you might pick either a Classic card or Captioned Image card. If you have a new product coming out, you might consider a series of Captioned Image cards to show off different features. If you simply want to Welcome new users to the site upon their first visit, you might keep it short and sweet with a Banner card. 

Use Cases

Here are some of examples of what Braze Content Cards can be used for:

  • Promotions
    • Special offer or discount
    • Promotions including sweepstakes or contests
    • Product Upsells
    • Product Subscription Renewals
  • Product Education
    • Product Tips and Tricks
    • Calls-to-action to sign up or learn more
    • Inbox Notifications
    • Highlight New Product Features or Updates
  • Customer Conversations
    • Solicit customer feedback and ratings
    • Celebrate customer milestones with rewards

Download Braze’s Content Cards Inspiration Guide to view what Content Cards look like within a series of Activation, Monetization, and Retention campaigns.    

Preview and Test Braze Content Cards

Within the configuration screen, Braze allows you to view a Content Card as it will display for randomized or specific users. The Preview mini screen within the setup screen can display what the card will look like on popular mobile devices and web browsers. There is no need to troubleshoot in real-time when you have the Preview screen available to show what the card will look like right there and then.

From the configuration screen, Braze allows you to send tests out to individual users (via email address or external user ID) or predefined content test groups in bulk. There’s no need to send a test link out to your internal stakeholders- Braze handles the heavy lifting for you!


Reporting is available for Content Cards on the Campaigns level. Visit the “Campaigns” page and select your Content Card’s campaign. Click into the Details page. This provides some overview metrics on the Content Card’s performance. 

To view more granular metrics, scroll to the “Content Card Performance” panel which displays unique recipients, unique and total impressions, unique and total clicks, and unique and total dismissals.

Need help with setting up a Content Card or thinking of ways to integrate Braze Content Cards into a current campaign? Reach out to Relationship One and we’re happy to help!