Make An International Conference Call
A lot of technological advancements in communication and broadcasting have paved the way for bringing people from across the globe closer through an international conference call. However, people have been calling internationally without so much the thought of doing it the right way to save costs. If not, their telephone bill could amount to hundreds or even thousands of dollars every month.
On the bright side, thanks to technology and modern times, there are a lot of international calling methods that are existent nowadays than there did many years ago. The humble telephone is not anymore the only means to call someone half a world away, but there is now a new method that relies on new technology like VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol. VoIP makes phone calls over the Internet possible instead of traditional long-distance calls.
To effectively communicate with other people across the globe without making a hole in your wallet is fairly easy. Just like making a regular conference call, an international conference call follows the same basic principles:
(1) participants dial into a conference call access number, (2) they enter the access code or PIN for their conference, and (3) they join the conference.
International conference calling is unique in way that international participants need special access numbers to avoid paying expensive international call rates. If you go to the larger services providers you might get an international toll-free number to access the conference. Other providers set up local access numbers in countries where their customers normally call.
For instance, you want to hold a conference call with clients in England, Japan, and Canada and you’re located in the United States. All you need to do is dial either an international toll-free access number or a local access number. Those who use the local access number are right away connected to the central conference bridge via a global IP network.
Using a dial-out system rather than a dial-in system is another economical way of making these kinds of calls. In a dial-out system, the moderator dials out to each participant individually, thus absorbing the costs of each international call.