How Our Maid Became An Agent Of Darkness Sent To Destroy My Marriage
True Life Story: How Our Maid Became An Agent Of Darkness Sent To Destroy My Marriage
Hello Lively Stones House,
There is fire on the mountain o. Married people, you need to be very careful who you bring into your house. Two months ago, I started noticing that my husband’s relative that I brought from the village to help us in Lagos was putting on weight. Initially, I thought it was change of environment and too much enjoyment from living with us. But not only was she gaining weight in her face and breast, I noticed she was always sleepy.
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Aha…it dawned on me…pregnancy!. I told my husband, my husband said its impossible. That shebi, the girl just came in April, during Easter…so its either she was already pregnant before coming cos its not possible. So, I called the girl and started questioning her. First she denied being pregnant, so I took her to the hospital, she was confirmed pregnant. I started questioning her up and down and threatened to send her back to the village.
That was when she confessed and said it was daddy that got her pregnant. Ehen??? I saw myself die instantly….how? when…she said he used to come have s3x with her at night when am sleeping. This girl is 18 years old. My heart was racing. I went to ask my husband…crying and begging him to tell me its not true. My husband was looking confused and said how can I think he would do such a thing.
So, does this mean this 18 year old is lying? Is she not old enough to know who slept with her and got her pregnant? As in….wahala scattered. I was screaming and crying. My husband was still denying. He called the girl and asked her to repeat the confession. She refused to say anything…acting like she was afraid to say anything in front of him. That made my husband said, she dare not look him in the face and lie. That she is lying and that is why she cannot look him in the face.
I became more confused but I began to believe this girl. I begged her not to be afraid and tell me the truth. She said its my husband but she will never repeat it in his presence cos she said she is afraid. When I told my husband that this girl has no reason to lie, husband became upset that I will believe the girl over him. He then told the girl to get ready, that all of us will travel to the village the next day and she will swear by the river god that he was the one that slept with her.
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This girl said nothing. The next day, we all travelled. We got to the village and my husband went straight and called the girls people and his people. He informed them of what happened and that he is ready to prove his innocence that he is not responsible. That he and the girl must appear before the river god and swear. The family were all in confusion but my husband was adamant.
The river god juju man was called to make the ritual ready for that night. When the time came, this girl started crying and she changed her confession and said the person who got her pregnant is our security man in Lagos. That he was the one who used to sleep with her and told her to lie that it was my husband who slept with her and got her pregnant. She said the security man told her that if she said so, that my husband will give her money to abort it because he will not want any scandal.
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Everybody was thrown into confusion. This girl, they started cursing her. My husband insisted on swearing, everyone started begging him cos if the swearing ritual continues, the girl might die for lying. However, some people were carrying rumor that the girl said my husband threatened her, that he will use the river god to kill her. When I tried to talk to the Aunty of the girl, she was angry, that we should leave their daughter, that we want to kill her for saying the truth.
This made me more confused but my people were advising me to forget about the girl and focus on my family. So, for peace sake, I went and apologized to my husband but he looked at me with pain abi anger in his eyes and said, I cannot believe you thought I would do such a thing. He said our marriage is over because of that.
I thought it was just anger o. The next day, my husband left the village without me. The night before, he called a meeting of his family and told them to ask for the refund of my bride price, that he is not marrying again. That any good wife would have stood by her husband when under persecution but me, I threw him under the bus and it took almost swearing for me to believe him.
Immediately, I rushed back to Lagos, my husband was getting a truck to pack my things down to the village. I started rolling on the floor, begging him. My husband said some very painful words. He said what if they were going to arrest him or kill him on suspicion of sleeping with the girl, that I would have been a witness against him. Its not like that…what should I have believed?
One hears many stories like this about married men who sleep with house helps, how would I have known the girl was lying? What if she is not even lying, what if she got scared or was threatened or she is afraid of swearing? I cannot confirm from the security man because the guy ran away from the compound the day we we returned from the village. When I tried to called him, to ask him if he slept with the girl, all he said was, madam, please leave me alone, I do not want any trouble from your oga. What is the meaning of that? Do you think my husband is threatening him?
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How can the girl change her story and now the guy has run away? But I took my family advice to try and forget and focus on my marriage but my husband says he is done with the marriage. Why? Never did I accuse him, I only repeated what the girl said. I was afraid and scared of loosing my marriage. I reacted the best way I knew. I know I should have trusted my husband but the evidence seemed so real.
It is out of respect my husband had for my father, he has allowed me back after my father called him to beg. But since then, our lives have never remained the same. My husband does not talk to me, does not eat my food nor have s3x with me. I am living in bondage. To make things worse, he is now sleeping outside, maybe with girls. When I asked him why, he said, let him be doing what I accused him of. That since I did not believe he was innocent and faithful, then there is no reason to be faithful to me, that he may just get someone pregnant for real now. I have cried many days.
Please this is no longer bearable. My husband is taking this too far. I will not be able to bear it if he actually gets someone pregnant. Is my marriage of five years with three children now beyond redemption? Looking at all that happened, I think that girl was an agent of darkness really sent to destroy my home. I wish I knew better to protect my home.
What do I do…I need your advice. How do I win my husband back. People are saying I should be patient but this attitude is killing me. Everyday is very painful for me, I am getting exhausted.
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