
Hymns About King » Loversify

In the grand tapestry of human spirituality, there exists a thread that binds hearts across generations—the hymns of praise.

These timeless melodies serve as vessels of devotion, carrying the collective reverence for the divine.

Today, I embark on a journey through 20 hymns that exalt the King, each note resonating with the majesty and sovereignty of our Creator.

Join me as I explore these sacred songs, woven with the essence of adoration and awe.

Hymns About King

1. Hail to the Lord’s Anointed by James Montgomery

With reverence and awe, we hail the Lord’s anointed, our King and Savior. This hymn echoes the prophetic words of Scripture, heralding the arrival of the Messiah who brings salvation and redemption to all who believe. Let every heart bow in adoration before the one who came to reconcile us to God.

2. All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name by Edward Perronet:

Step into the resounding chorus of worship, where voices rise in unison to acclaim the power and glory of Jesus’ name. This hymn, a triumphant declaration of His sovereignty, invites us to bow before the King of kings, acknowledging His unmatched reign and unfailing love. With each verse, we join the heavenly host in exalting the name above all names, proclaiming Jesus as Lord of all.

3. Crown Him With Many Crowns by Matthew Bridges

Behold the King, adorned with the regalia of heavenly majesty, as countless crowns are laid at His feet. Through this majestic anthem, we are beckoned to join the celestial choir in exalting the King above all earthly rulers. With reverence and awe, we lift our voices in praise, acknowledging His supremacy and acknowledging His reign over all creation.

4. Majesty by Jack Hayford:

In the presence of Majesty Himself, we are humbled by the splendour of His glory. This hymn serves as a sacred invitation to behold the greatness of our Sovereign Lord, whose majesty surpasses all understanding. With hearts bowed in adoration, we join the chorus of angels and saints, declaring the unmatched splendour of our King.

5. Jesus, Name Above All Names by Naida Hearn:

With each utterance of His name, we are reminded of the unmatched power and authority that reside in Jesus. This hymn serves as a timeless anthem, guiding us through the storms of life and leading us into the embrace of our eternal King. Let every tongue confess and every knee bow before the matchless name of Jesus, the King of all creation.

6. Revelation Song by Jennie Lee Riddle:

Enter the heavenly throne room, where angels and saints join in the eternal chorus of praise. With hearts ablaze with adoration, we lift our voices in harmony with the heavenly host, declaring the worthiness of the Lamb who was slain. This hymn invites us to glimpse the glory of the King as we join in the everlasting song of worship.

7. King of Kings by Hillsong Worship:

Join the symphony of worship as we lift our voices to the King of kings, acknowledging His reign over all creation. This powerful hymn exalts Jesus as the ultimate ruler, whose authority knows no bounds. With each verse, we proclaim His victory over sin and death, declaring Him as the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.

8. How Great Thou Art by Carl Boberg:

In the presence of the King, we are overcome by the greatness of His majesty. This timeless hymn invites us to marvel at the wonders of creation and the boundless love of our Creator. With hearts overflowing with gratitude, we join the chorus of nature in proclaiming the greatness of our King, whose glory fills the earth and heavens.

9. Worthy Is the Lamb by Darlene Zschech:

Behold the Lamb who was slain, worthy of all honor and praise. With each verse of this stirring hymn, we are drawn into the depths of adoration, acknowledging Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb who conquered sin and death. Let every heart resound with worship as we lift our voices to the Lamb who reigns forevermore.

10. Hail to the Lord’s Anointed by James Montgomery:

In reverence and awe, we hail the Lord’s Anointed, the King of all kings. Through this hymn, we pay homage to Jesus, the chosen one of God, whose kingdom shall reign for eternity. Let every nation bow before Him and every tongue confess His lordship, for He is the King of glory and the hope of all mankind.

11. How Great Is Our God by Chris Tomlin:

Join the chorus of creation as we magnify the greatness of our God. This anthem of praise exalts the King who reigns with power and authority, whose love knows no bounds. With each refrain, we are reminded of the majesty and splendor of our Creator, whose greatness extends beyond the heavens.

12. O Worship the King by Robert Grant:

With hearts filled with reverence, we bow before the King in worship and adoration. This timeless hymn extols the greatness of our Creator, whose power and majesty are unmatched. Let every voice unite in praise as we exalt the King of kings, whose reign endures for all eternity.

13. The King of Love My Shepherd Is by Henry W. Baker:

In the tender care of the King of love, we find solace and security. This hymn paints a portrait of Jesus as our gentle Shepherd, guiding us with unfailing love and compassion. With each verse, we are reminded of His provision and protection, trusting in His faithfulness as we journey through life’s valleys and peaks.

14. At the Name of Jesus by Caroline Maria Noel:

At the mention of His name, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. This hymn celebrates the exalted name of Jesus, which holds power and authority over all creation. Let us join the heavenly chorus in declaring the supremacy of His name, for He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

15. He Reigns by Peter Furler and Steve Taylor:

Celebrate the reign of the King over all the earth as we lift our voices in joyful praise. This contemporary hymn proclaims the victory of Jesus, whose kingdom knows no end. With hearts united in worship, we declare His reign over every nation and every generation, for He is the King who reigns forevermore.

16. Crown Him King of Kings by Sharon Wilson:

Crown Him with glory and honour as we exalt the King of kings. This anthem of worship invites us to bow before Jesus, whose authority reigns supreme. With reverence and awe, we acknowledge His dominion over all creation, laying every crown at His feet in humble adoration.

17. Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven by Henry F. Lyte:

Lift your voice in praise to the King of heaven, whose mercies are boundless and grace abounds. This hymn calls us to join the heavenly choir in exalting Jesus, our Redeemer and Friend. With grateful hearts, let us offer our highest praise to the King who reigns with love and compassion.

18. You Are My King (Amazing Love) By Billy James Foote:

In awe of His amazing love, we declare Jesus as our King. This modern hymn celebrates the sacrificial love of Jesus, who laid down His life to redeem humanity. With hearts overflowing with gratitude, we lift our voices in worship, proclaiming Him as the King of our hearts and the Savior of our souls.

19. Come, Thou Almighty King by Felice de Giardini:

Come, let us adore the Almighty King, whose power and glory know no bounds. This hymn of invocation calls us to bow before the throne of God, acknowledging His sovereignty over all creation. With reverence and awe, we join the chorus of angels in proclaiming His majesty and greatness.

20. Crown Him by Michael W. Smith:

Crown Him with many crowns as we exalt the King of kings and Lord of lords. This majestic hymn invites us to join the heavenly host in praising Jesus, whose reign extends from eternity past to eternity future. With hearts filled with adoration, let us lift our voices in worship, honouring the King who reigns forevermore.

Crowning Him With Our Praise

As we reflect on the majesty and splendour of our King, may our hearts be stirred to deeper worship and devotion.

Let us carry the melodies of these hymns with us, allowing them to resonate in our souls and inspire us to live lives that honour and glorify the King in all we do.

So, let us crown Him with our praises, for He alone is worthy of every accolade and adoration.

May the anthem of worship continue to resound throughout the ages, echoing the eternal truth that Jesus Christ is King now and forevermore. Amen.

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